Within the industry, efficient and accurate data collection is crucial. A concept for efficient data collection in such settings involves implementing an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) system with sensors and signals from the machinery and shop floor. This concept integrates various technologies to capture, process, and analyze data in real-time.


The image below illustrates, on the left, the layered modular architecture of digital technologies commonly used within IIoT. On the right, it demonstrates how the solution in LE.MES aligns with these layers.


With the help of data collection, industries can make informed decisions, enhance quality, and create opportunities to optimize their operations. At LE Solutions, we have collaborated with our clients to develop support for precisely that purpose.

We believe in creating value through synergies between our deliveries, thereby creating opportunities to offer IIoT to more clients.

Data Collection

With our Data Collection module, we create the possibility to gather data from various sources, for example, via OPC UA through our Device Communication module.

Optimization, decision-making, and analysis

Through dashboards, we can monitor collected data in real-time and thus make accurate decisions at the right time. In combination with Alarms, we can also alert the operations to deviations and immediately take action.

Through visualizations in our analysis dashboard, there are also opportunities to track historical data. In the analysis dashboard, multiple data points can be compared simultaneously to find correlations.

Other features for data collection

  • Compression of data
  • Profiles for simplifying the analysis of groups of data.
  • Export data to Excel.

In addition to data collection, the Data Collection module is also used in conjunction with a variety of other modules to solve various problems in MES.

For example, the Data Collection module is used to solve OEE and Pick-to-light functionalities.